Have you ever wondered where writing came from this just but the glimpse


According to Fisher, S.R." From the earliest scratches on stone and bone to the languages of computers and the internet,"  meaning writing dated all the way from the old stone era to the new modern human being though it has taken some evolution. This is just but one theory of history that explains writing as an old culture that started a long, long time ago. In this theory spoken form of communication was common before man actually developed the cave paintings which marked the beginning of writing. The cave paintings were used to mark territory since the earliest man had a lot which they would not carry as they go and needed storage.

Another theory we can use to explain the origin of writing is the creation theory. It is believed by the Christians that God himself instituted writing when He gave the ten commandments written on stone tablets. The laws were still communicated earlier before by the word of mouth but this is the first incident where writing occur. Another proof of this theory is the holy book of the bible where this writing took the longest period of history. According to Ross, H .in the book How the oldest book in the Bible answers today's scientific questionsThe oldest book is believed to be the book of job which the author is unknown and dates millions of years ago. This also acts as

proof that writing is not a yesterday thing.

The first writing system can be dated to the Sumerians and Babylonians. The system is commonly known as cuneiform in today's world. The people back then used symbols rather than the real object they were communicating. Compared to today where most writing is done on paper and computers this earliest system was carried out on clay. The clay was made from the banks of the river Euphrates. The clay was drawn with symbols before it dried

Fischer, S. R. (2003). History of writing. Reaktion books.

Ross, H. (2011). Hidden treasures in the book of Job: How the oldest book in the Bible answers today's scientific questions. Baker Books


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